

Instant refunds, with zero risk

Give your customers a refund in under 30 seconds, before they’ve sent back their item. Increase repurchases, all with 100% no risk to you.

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frank green
Shona Joy
Country Road
Adore Beauty
City Beach
Princess Polly
P.E. Nation
Woman in black dress with her hands up

How it Works

The instant refund experience

Enter your order details. Select your items. Get Refundid. Returns could not be simpler.

Real-time refunds directly to your customer’s bank account. We front the refund. All the risk is on us.
A user experience focused on driving a repurchase, aimed at maximising the revenue retained in your business.
Instant Refunds

Let the figures do the talking


Avg. increase in retained revenue


Avg. increase in repurchases


Faster speed to repurchase

Instant Refunds

What’s in it for you?

Providing your customers with the ultimate returns experience.
Improve your customer experience and give your customers what they want.
Maximise retention and loyalty. Fast and easy refunds are giving customers a reason to love your brand and shop again.
Make it easy for customers to swap for the item they want without needing to offer exchanges.
Say goodbye to refund-related enquiries - eliminate the need for customers to ask 'where is my refund?'.
Use Refundid as a badge of security for your business, driving conversions, and sales.
Access data and insights into return and repurchase behaviour with real-time and personalised reporting.
Data & Analytics

In-depth & real-time analytics

Understand every aspect of your returns inside and out.
Access high-level and in-depth data across all your returns.
Easily see repurchase and return rates on a per order and item basis.
Understand customer return behaviour as well as internal processing insights.

Built to fit into your tech stack

With a range of pre-built & custom integrations, let us take care of implementation and reduce the time to go-live.
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