

Customer visibility, like no other

A customer app available for all customers to lodge, track, and monitor all their returns.

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Woman in black dress with her hands up

All returns in one location

A singular location for your shoppers to view all of their returns.
Access next steps and return receipts to keep on top of each return.
View and download return shipping information.
Easily access customer-specific exclusive discounts.

Curated shopping experience

Personalised experiences to further drive repurchases and sales.
An easy-to-use shopping experience to help customers find what they want.
Exclusive discounts and sale periods available on demand.
Return-related product recommendations to get customers back to your store.

Lodge a return from anywhere

Helping customers lodge all their returns from one location.
Easily start a return at any Refundid retailer directly from the Refundid app.
Sync all lodged returns directly to your history.
Automatically feed account information from the app into the user journey.

Built to fit into your tech stack

With a range of pre-built & custom integrations, let us take care of implementation and reduce the time to go-live.
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